Role of articulatory motor networks in perceptual categorization of speech signals: a 7T fMRI study

The human brain possesses an astounding ability to derive meaning from acoustical signals and establish connections between sensory input and articulatory motor representations to generate speech. It brings me great pride to share that our five-year project’s findings strongly support the hypothesis that the activation of articulatory motor networks during speech tasks significantly contributes to the perceptual categorization of speech sounds. What’s especially noteworthy is that our utilization of high-resolution 7 T fMRI acquisition, combined with cutting-edge coil technology, has enabled us to explore the precise cortical locations of these processes with remarkable spatial accuracy. This, in turn, has allowed us to focus on single ROIs with minimal interference from neighboring areas.
Read full article here: Role of articulatory motor networks in perceptual categorization of speech signals: a 7T fMRI study